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ABUOJAYL Mabroka Shlieg ALl

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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace and upon all his family and companions.


The Department of History is one of the scientific departments included in the College of Arts, Al-Josh / University of Zintan. The department was established in 2000/2001 AD and under the name of the Department of History within the scientific departments of the College of Arts, Saqr Africa University previously, and after that it became the Department of History at the College of Arts and Sciences, Badr University of the Western Mountain in 2004. - 2005 AD, and in 2020-2021 AD, the Department of History became one of the scientific departments at the Faculty of Arts, University of Zintan, and the department grants a bachelor’s degree during four academic years and eight semesters


The History Department aims to introduce the student to the origins of man, trace his development and steps in building civilization, harnessing nature to serve him, and learn about the development of human thought, political systems, economic and social life, during past cultures and eras, with a focus on the factors of connection and cohesion between groups since ancient times, and introducing many Of the aspects of Arab civilization and their effective contributions to the development of global civilization, in a way that develops in students the concept of effective citizenship, arming them with diverse knowledge and abilities, and introducing them to the Arab heritage in general, Libyan in particular, and its cultural and civilizational characteristics, and to the Libyan Arab Jihad movement against the Italian invasion and the struggle of the Libyans against the invaders. The history department aims To prepare research cadres based on criticism and investigation by studying human experiences in the past using the latest historical research methods, in addition to rejecting self-isolation through openness to schools of historical research, and exchanging viewpoints through scientific dialogue.


.Rewriting history.Searching for (historical) truth and fighting falsification.There are no mistakes in the past, but rather experiences that must be learned fromCaring for local history as if it were global history..Uncovering antiquities and documents as a source of history


Preparing a generation of historians capable of studying and writing history according to the scientific method. Developing the student’s ability to deal with basic historical sources and increasing his ability to apply this in the field of historical research.Studying historical development by presenting historical and social theories, and following modern schools of interpretation of historical events throughout the ages.Adopting modern means, such as computers and various means of presentation, in teaching history courses, such as studying economic, social, political, or intellectual history.Paying attention to publishing human heritage, especially Arab and Islamic documentary and manuscripts.Qualifying cadres of researchers who contribute to the management of research centers specialized in historyDeveloping a national sense of belonging to the homeland and the Arab and Islamic nation, with a focus on studying Libyan history.Contributing to protecting human heritage from attempts at distortion, forgery and distortion